5 methods and trends for social media in 2018

Digital Marketing   •   Last updated: December 22, 2017
(Original article: June 2, 2014)

1. Diversify

The Facebook algorithms are changing for the worse lately. A study found that around six percent of your followers see your posts.The number will go down even more, eventually reaching one percent only!

2. Google+

Google + is playing an important role in the organic ranking from Google. Facebook and Twitter have no impact on SEO ranking because of crawling and accessibility issues. So it is logical to conclude Google uses and will improve Google+ for social media ranking.

Google+ is also the best way to gain access to Google Authorship, which still plays a big role in SEO.

Google Authorship helps the search engine identify your content, attribute it to the correct author and build a portfolio for each author that may include what many are calling “Author Rank” which is algorithmic scoring based on author expertise and publishing history.

An image of the author also appears next to their content in search results, which further increases visibility and click-through rates.

3. Integration of social media

SEO, and content creation. Social media, SEO and content marketing no longer should happen in isolation. Social media marketing impacts how content is seen and shared.

Content creation and marketing have direct implications for your SEO performance, especially as of Google’s latest algorithm updates.

4. Visual content

Visual content is a winning strategy. Around 63 percent of social media is imagery. As such, visual platforms are very important in social media for businesses. A study found that more as 30 percent of Pinterest users bought an item after posting or re-pinning it on the network.

Infographics are an effective promotional tool for businesses, with a good amount of data and story to share.

Not every platform will suit you, but spending some time to find the visual angle to your story and experimenting with different content formats can help revitalize your social media marketing strategy.

5. Social media as a brand builder

Building your brand on any platform will impact your SEO and improves sales over the long term.

Some pointers:

  1. Are the visuals of your social media consistent with the rest of your brand?
  2. Are you regularly double checking your social media updates to ensure they’re consistent with the overall brand that you are building?

Focusing on building your brand through your social interactions should always be a key focus.